Below is a list of our most frequently asked questions to help you with the ordering process. However, feel free to contact us with any other questions at +61 02 8296 8888

From inception, through to design, execution and delivery – we handle it all. We can do a custom tweak on your favourite products or develop something completely unique for your business. Call us to get started +61 02 8296 8888.

You can place an order online, by email or by phone. One of our friendly team will then follow up with you to finalise the details of your order. We are here to make the process as quick and easy as possible for you.

No fear! We have many products ready to go in 2-3 days. Go-to products like caps, pens, T-shirts and bags have quick turnaround times and we’ll get them into your hands in a flash. Have other products in mind? Call us on +61 02 8296 8888 and we’ll get you sorted on those!

Yes, we can provide you with samples to help make your ordering easier. Simply give us a call on +61 02 8296 8888 and we can get things moving for you!

As an environmentally conscious company we’ve chosen to include a large range of products on our website to help inspire you instead of mailing catalogues. If you can’t find what you are looking for here, give us a call on +61 02 8296 8888 and we’ll source what you need.

We have a large range of products on our site to help you find what you need. As we regularly update our range there may be changes in pricing shown on our site at different times, so we will always contact you to discuss and confirm your order, including any branding and decoration requirements you have. All pricing is subject to final artwork.

Set-up charges apply when branding your promotional products. We will always contact you to discuss and confirm your order including set-up and branding.

Branded promotional products come in all shapes and sizes; from USB’s to bags and the latest designer power banks. This means your logo often needs to be reduced or enlarged into all sorts of decoration areas, big and small, in order to be able to conform to the required branding area.

Supplying a vector graphic is the ideal electronic artwork format to produce your promotional merchandise. Not only will this save you time and money in the order process, it will ensure the image can be resized without compromising the quality.

Vector artwork is saved as a mathematical algorithm, and can be easily edited or resized without compromising image quality. Vector artwork file types are eps, ai, pdf and cdr. Supplying vector artwork will ultimately save you time at the order process, and potentially money, as receiving unsuitable files such as jpeg, bmp, png, tif, gif, doc, ppt, xis or pub – known as raster files – will require us to redraw your logo and that could cost a small fee.

Save yourself further time by sending us your brand guidelines which we can keep on file. Once your order is placed, we can take care of the rest.

We require pre-payment in full with your order. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express or EFT. We can provide you with an estimated invoice if you require an invoice to process pre-payment. Production of your order will begin once your payment is received. Most of our customers prefer to pay by credit card. We will provide you with a secure online payment link or our standard credit card payment form that you can email back to us, or simply call in the information if you do not place your order online. You can also set up a corporate account by completing our credit application; simply contact a personal account manager to discuss this in more detail. The application process typically requires five to seven business days for approval so it is recommended that you provide us with a credit card, so as not to delay your order.

No, we don’t. However, for orders under $500, there is a $79 processing charge as we give the same care and attention to these orders as to larger orders. Freight and taxes, if applicable, do not apply towards the order total of $500. If you are ordering two imprinted products at the same time and they total over $500, the processing charge does not apply.

Orders are shipped with either direct or overnight couriers. The shipping and handling cost is typically not included in your quote unless requested. The final shipping cost will be provided once your order ships. If you have a rush order, we can provide you with expedited shipping methods to meet your event date.

We strongly encourage customers to immediately inspect all shipments upon arrival. All defective items must be returned within 30 days of purchase. Prior to return, all merchandise requires specific return authorisation from Arctic Blue in order to be eligible for credit. No credit or replacement merchandise will be issued for product unavailable for return to Arctic Blue.

BluetoothShort-range wireless interconnection of mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices. Bluetooth allows us to send a photograph (or other piece of data) from one electronic device to another via Bluetooth.

FlashdriveA USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than an optical disc. USB flash drives are often used for the same purposes for which floppy disks or CDs were used, i.e., for storage, back-up and transfer of computer files. They are smaller, faster, have thousands of times more capacity, and are more durable and reliable because they have no moving parts. Additionally, they are immune to magnetic interference (unlike floppy disks), and unharmed by surface scratches (unlike CDs).

Grade A MemoryUSB Flash Chips are divided into 4 different classes/ standards (A-D). At Technovation we only sell Grade A. These are bona fide premium chips; they are the most reliable and come with the manufacturers name and serial number imprinted on the chip.

mAhAn ampere-hour or amp-hour is a unit of electric charge, with sub-units milliampere-hour (mA·h or mAh; often used in rechargeable and disposable battery specifications)

NFCNear Field Communication (NFC) is a set of standards for smartphones and similar devices to establish radio communication with each other by touching them together or bringing them into proximity, usually no more than a few inches.

NFMIA Near Field Magnetic Induction communication system is a short-range wireless physical layer that communicates by coupling a tight, low-power, non-propagating magnetic field between devices. The concept is for a transmitter coil in one device to modulate a magnetic field which is measured by means of a receiver coil in another device. Near Field Magnetic Induction technology secures wireless communication between two accessories by creating a magnetic communication “bubble” around headsets, speaker-microphones and radios. This magnetic bubble has a radius of approximately 1.5 meters, is immune from radio frequency (RF) interference and virtually secure from eavesdropping. An eavesdropper would have to be standing next to the radio, within the magnetic bubble, to intercept wireless transmissions to and from a microphone or headset.

Solar powerSolar power is the conversion of sunlight into electricity, either directly using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly using concentrated solar power (CSP).

WifiA facility allowing computers, smartphones, or other devices to connect to the internet or communicate with one another wirelessly within a particular area.

Wearable TechnologyWearable technology (also called wearable gadgets) is a category of technology devices that can be worn by a consumer and often include tracking information related to health and fitness. Other wearable tech gadgets include devices that have small motion sensors to take photos and sync with your mobile devices.

Tech Glossary from Technovation

To view our product decoration guide, click here