
Refers to materials or substances that can be broken down and decomposed by natural processes into simpler, environmentally friendly substances. These substances can be broken …

BPA free

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a chemical used in the lining of some food and beverage packaging to protect food from contamination and extend the shelf life. It’s also used in non-food products. Small amounts of BPA can migrate into food and beverages from containers.

Carbon footprint

A carbon footprint is a measure of the total greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, associated with human activities. It quantifies the impact of these activities on the environment and is expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide. Individuals, businesses, and organizations can work to reduce their carbon footprint to mitigate climate change and promote sustainability.

Carbon neutral

Carbon neutrality refers to the effort to balance carbon dioxide emissions with equivalent removal or offset measures, aiming to minimize environmental impact. This commitment spans sourcing, production, and transportation, promoting eco-friendly practices for a more sustainable future. Embracing carbon neutrality is a proactive step in mitigating climate change and fostering collective responsibility for environmental stewardship, demonstrating a commitment to present and future generations.


Circularity is achieved when each phase of a garment’s lifecycle follows a cyclical pattern, resulting in a reduced environmental impact. It commences with sustainable design, followed by ethically produced items. As a garment reaches the end of its wear, responsible measures are taken for its next stage, encompassing repair, redesign, rental, and participation in the second-hand sales market.

Greenhouse effect

The greenhouse effect is a vital natural process that maintains Earth’s temperature by trapping some of the sun’s energy through greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane. While essential for life, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels, have intensified this effect, leading to global warming and climate change. This heightened heat retention alters weather patterns, sea levels, and ecosystems. Recognizing and addressing the greenhouse effect is crucial for promoting environmental sustainability and mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change.


‘Greenwashing’ describes environmental claims that are false or misleading. Greenwashing is when brands make themselves appear eco-conscious on the surface, without making the vital changes needed to do so. “Greenwashing is anything that is promoting something that you have not yet done. “Greenwashing is creating this information which is completely misleading for consumers who are just trying to educate themselves. It is making it more difficult for everyone.”

Net zero

Net zero refers to achieving a balance between the greenhouse gas emissions produced and those removed from the atmosphere. This involves reducing emissions and offsetting the remaining ones through initiatives like carbon capture and sustainable practices. Setting net-zero targets is a key commitment in global efforts to combat climate change and aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Entities, including organizations and countries, adopt net-zero targets to contribute to environmental sustainability and address the challenges of climate change.


In relation to fashion “organic” specifically refers to garments crafted from materials cultivated and processed without synthetic pesticides, fertilizers, or genetically modified organisms. Organic fashion involves the use of organic fibers such as cotton or linen, grown in environmentally-friendly conditions that prioritize natural practices. This commitment extends to every stage of production, including eco-conscious dyeing and manufacturing processes. By opting for organic fashion, consumers choose garments that not only prioritize sustainability but also promote healthier and ethical practices throughout the entire garment lifecycle, from cultivation to production.


Consumers are likely to understand the term ‘recyclable’ to mean that the product can be recycled in an ordinary local recycling facility. If there are very few facilities, or such facilities do not exist at all, then the use of the term may be misleading. Ensure that your product can actually be recycled through a household/local council waste collection program before using such claims or otherwise add appropriate qualifications and/or explanations of how the product can be recycled.


The term “recycled” refers to the process of collecting, sorting, and processing materials that would otherwise be discarded as waste and transforming them into new products. Recycling aims to reduce the consumption of raw materials, conserve energy, and minimize environmental impact. In the context of products or materials labeled as “recycled,” it indicates that the material used in their production has been sourced from previously used or discarded items. This could involve reprocessing materials like paper, glass, plastic, or metal to create new products, contributing to sustainability and waste reduction efforts.


Traceability for products involves the systematic documentation and monitoring of a product’s journey throughout its entire supply chain, from raw material acquisition through manufacturing to distribution and consumption. This process ensures transparency, quality control, and accountability by allowing easy tracking of the product’s origin and addressing issues like recalls or sustainability claims. In today’s consumer-driven and regulated environment, traceability is vital for meeting expectations of transparency and responsible production.


Upcycling is a creative and sustainable approach to reusing materials by transforming discarded or waste items into products of higher value or quality. Unlike traditional recycling, which often involves breaking down materials to create new ones, upcycling involves repurposing existing materials without undergoing significant processing. Upcycling encourages innovative and artistic solutions to breathe new life into old or discarded items, reducing waste and promoting a more sustainable and environmentally friendly way of consuming and producing goods. This practice aligns with the principles of circular economy and contributes to minimizing the environmental impact of consumer goods.