As provider of quality promotional merchandise to some of the world’s largest companies, Arctic Blue has a significant role to play in enriching people’s lives. However, we are also aware that with that significant role comes also great responsibility to manage our business carefully and responsibly, which is why we have adopted a set of core Values and Business Principles to govern our activities and interactions with all our stakeholders across the world, including our suppliers.

Code of Ethical purchasing

Business Principles

Our Business Principles declare a commitment “to promote the application of our Business Principles by our business partners and suppliers”.

This Code of Ethical Purchasing is designed to promote safe and fair working conditions and the responsible management of environmental and social issues throughout Arctic Blue’s supply chain. We feel responsible for every individual who contributes to our business, whether directly or indirectly. Therefore, we want our suppliers to operate in an equally sustainable, ethical and responsible manner as we do ourselves.


Implementation of the code


Both Directors of Arctic Blue and their respective supplier management leads at both Global and Operating Company level have operational Responsibility for the implementation of the Code.


Arctic Blue will communicate and promote its Code of Ethical Purchasing internally and externally to relevant stakeholders.
Suppliers are encouraged to take all reasonable endeavours to promote the Code to their suppliers and sub-contractors.

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Supplier code of conduct

Child Labour

Where a child is employed, the best interests of the child shall be the primary consideration.

GN 3 – No person may be employed below the age of 15, or 13 for light work – in accordance with the international standards established by the International Labour Organization.

GN 4 – Children (persons under 18 years) are not employed for any hazardous

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